Monday, June 6, 2011

Truly Listening and Seeing

This caught my eye today: "God teaches us to ask so that He might answer our prayers. This reminds us of the source of our blessings." Elisabeth Elliot tells a story of how she got lost in the city when she had specifically asked God to keep her from getting lost. Her new prayer then was to be found by the young exchange student that was living with her at the time. Doubting that it would happen...she prayed anyway. God allowed her to be rescued within 5 minutes by that student. She said, "the answer to my prayer not to get lost was No--in order that I might be specifically blessed in the way I was found." All the glory goes to Him.

I love it when God surprises me--it reminds me of His greatness and His interest in every little detail of my life. He uses His people, the "wow" of His creation,  and those crazy things that you know are "just God"to speak into my life ---those are the things that truly change my life. We have a God who cares and goes to great lengths to show us just how much each and every day. He did not stop at the cross---the ultimate act of love (first for His glory then for us) ---which would have been more than sufficient for us, but He continues to pour out His blessings and acts of kindness on us. I overlook them too much of the time --especially in the busyness of the day.
"Those who have ears, let him hear. Those who have eyes, let him see." Yes we have ears and eyes, but honestly...are we using them correctly? Jesus calls us to be to be seeing (focused) and listening not just looking and hearing to find Him in the small and (sometimes) big things in life.

Praying to see Him in everything today...especially the small details. He is faithful to be there.

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